Around the Town

Centennial baby gifts
Centennial baby Jayden Wood was the recipient of some gifts from Morinville Town Council Tuesday night. The baby, born Jan. 2, was Morinville’s first baby of the new and centennial year. Among the gifts presented was a sweater knitted by Mrs. Thalia Fischbach, Morinville’s oldest resident. Fiscbach turns 100 in May.

Way down in a hole

Town of Morinville workers repair a saddle valve Wednesday afternoon. The piece of water works, located 10 feet below 100 Street gave loose last Thursday causing flooding at Smith Music and the vacant lot between the music store and the Scotia Bank building.

Saddle valves are valves used to supply water where low volume, low pressure streams are required. There are many valves of the same age as the one that let go along 100 Street.

Le carnaval des Primeau

Justin Perkins (above) and Christan Maslyk performed for the Grades 6, 7 and 8 French immersion classes at Georges H. Primeau School Wednesday afternoon. Students celebrated French culture from Mar. 21 to 23, with live French music, dancing and a cabane a sucre (sugar house.) taking place on the final day.

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