LETTER: Re: open letter to our chamber

Mr. O’Brien’s original letter

Mr. James O’Brian, our letter Aug 14/2013 spoke to the broader community about the need for doctors, the article made this statement for the Chamber:

“At a recent Chamber discussion the Board agreed unanimously that they would like to “support government, business, and the medical community to attract and retain a full-time physician for the citizens of Morinville.
“Morinville needs a broader community effort to attract full-time family physicians in the wake of our continued growth and aging demographics,” said MDCC President, Simon Boersma in a release late Wednesday afternoon. “The MDCC wants to assist.””

The Morinville Chamber is working hard to bring these services to our community; we are still at step one. The “Plan“ we have not given up on. Every day we have exciting new organizations coming to our community to invest, evidenced by our growth.

Simon Boersma, President
Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Mr. President:

    Like some other organizations in this community, you too seem to have mastered the fine old art of ‘tap-dancing’.

    First of all what you appear to be admitting to is the fact that you actually have no plan. On top of that not-so-startling revelation your quotation from the letter you supposedly sent TO the media is at odds with what was actually reported BY the media.

    I really have no desire to enter into a public p***ing contest with you over this issue, so I will close by requesting that you at least use the correct spelling of my surname.

    Have a nice day…

    James G. O’BriEn

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