The Week in Photos


Christmas giving

Chamber President Simon Boersma, bookkeeper Monique Van Rooyen, Director Phil Hughes and Manager Diane Mineault stand beside some of the many unwrapped gifts, toys and food items dropped off at the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Christmas Luncheon Dec. 2. Attendees were encouraraged to bring items in support of the Midstream Support Society and Morinville Food Bank to help those in need.

– Lucie Roy Photo


Scouts visit

Members of the 1st Morinville Scouting Movement worked on gingerbread houses, enjoyed snacks and refreshments, and played a game of noodle hockey with Heritage Lodge residents Thursday night.

Above: Laura Kieser, Kolten Stepanick and Shirley Telford work on a gingerbread house kit.


Residents enjoy a game of noodle hockey Scouts.

– Lucie Roy Photos


Athletic demonstration

Rooke School of Karate had 11 students visit Heritage Lodge Dec. 1 to demonstrate sparring, take downs and weapon use. More than 25 residents watched the show. The students stayed for 45 minutes after the show, talking to the residents, having a snack and answering questions.

– Submitted Photo

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