Morinville Fire Ban Lifted – Fire Department Continues to Monitor Conditions

submitted by Town of Morinville

With the recent cooler temperatures, some precipitation in the past 24 hours, and more rain forecasted for the next 48 hours, the Morinville Fire Department has lifted the fire ban effective May 20, 2016.

After reviewing various factors including the Fire Weather Index, the fire danger rating has moved into the “moderate to low” category. This categorization takes into consideration the wind conditions, temperature humidity and moisture levels.

As the moisture and cooler temperatures we have received will certainly help conditions, they are still not ideal. The Morinville Fire Department is asking residents to take the proper precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and the residents of the community.

The Morinville Fire Department will continue to monitor the situation on a day-to-day basis, and review the Fire Weather Index to determine the necessary precautions required to keep the citizens of Morinville and its firefighters safe.

Fire Ban signs are posted at the entrances into Town, and will remain in place over the weekend as the company is unavailable to pick them up. The signs will remain, but the ban has been lifted.

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