New president for Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch

Above: Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn, along with Sturgeon County Supervisor of Enforcement Services Ken Lauinger, presented SRCW with a $2000 cheque.

by Lucie Roy
Morinville News Correspondent

Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association (SRCWA) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Elections Mar. 14.

The new President of the 776-member-strong organization is Zone 13/14 Director Bonny Swart-Attwood.

The SRCW still need to elect a Secretary and Communications Officer and appoint Zone Directors for five vacant Zones.

In her thank you speech, outgoing President Francoise Meunier said she remember the night she became the president and heard the members say they would support her. “And that you all did. Now I would ask you to support the newly elected officials in the same way. Continue to work as a group and help each other out; that is how you will stay strong,” Meunier said.

Meunier went on to thank the County members and County staff. “Your support for our group has been immeasurable,” she said. “We must be the envy of the other 52 crime watch groups. I am not sure how many groups receive the support we do.”

The outgoing president said she has always appreciated the help SRCW received from the RCMP, including pulling the Association float, coming to the meetings, joining her in giving presentations or making sure SRCW received information to fan out. “We have been able to always count on them,” Meunier said.

The next meeting SRCW is Apr. 11 at the Provincial Building.

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