Kinsmen donate $10K to Notre Dame playground project

Above: School Council and Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) members posed with the cheque prior to the start of their meeting. From left: Tanya Sloan, Treasurer, PFA, Lisa Kleparchuk, Vice Principal, Michelle Logan CoChair PFA, Lauren Dillman Vice-chair PFA, Kristen Nichols CoChair PFA, Danielle Borthwick PFA, Raymonde Rolston Principal and Tara Bedford Vice Chair PFA.

by Lucie Roy

Ecole Notre Dame received a donation of $10,000 from the St. Albert Kinsmen Club Tuesday. The funds will go towards the school’s Swing Set Project.

The Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) goal is to raise funds for a new swingset and surface for the playground. The school used to have swings, but they were removed with the introduction of the modulars, and they were not able to be reconstructed due to safety reasons.

The PFA are looking to purchase five swings one of which will be an inclusive seat.

Although the five belts plus accessibility swing will cost approximately $5000, the bulk of the cost is the poured rubber surface the group wants to use with the swings.

The PFA have received three quotes for the poured rubber surface, and swingset ranging from $30,000 to $42,000.

The PFA has already raised $18,972 since Sept. 2016.

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