Big Bad was Big Good

by Stephen Dafoe

Comedic plays have become a staple at Morinville Public School (MPS). The school first hit the stage in 2015 with 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse, returned in 2016 with Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death, and once again offered a comedy last year with The Internet is Distract–OH LOOK A KITTEN!

After months of rehearsals, MPS student actors wrapped up Big Bad, their latest comedy, after two nights on the stage at the cultural centre. About 110 people came to the two shows.

Wednesday night’s performance saw the student actors shining and the audience laughing, but also actively involved.

Big Bad is a courtroom piece in which the Big Bad Wolf is on trial for several fairy tale offences. The twist was that the audience, playing the role of the jury, determined which of three possible endings got performed on the two nights.

Wednesday saw the Big Bad Wolf found guilty and drug off the stage by the judge.

The two-night show featured 19 actors ranging from Garde 5 to 8. All cast was on the stage for the entire play.

Students began rehearsals once a week in January but ramped it up recently to twice a week to hone the show.

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