By MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Morinville – A 25-year-old man has been charged in connection with last Friday’s fire that destroyed a Cardiff Echoes home. Mitchell Robert Hurst was charged with one count of arson, one count of mischief over $5,000 and one count of mischief under $5,000.
Hurst made his first appearance in Morinville Provincial Court June 24 via closed circuit television. During that time the court ordered that an assessment be conducted on Hurst under Section 16 of the Criminal Code of Canada to determine if he was fit to stand trial.
The June 18 fire to the Star Key Place home took approximately 20 minutes to contain once crews from Morinville, Namao and Legal arrived on the scene. Although no one was injured during the blaze, the home was destroyed and a neighbouring resident’s home received considerable damage to its siding from radiant heat.

Deputy Fire Chief Pay Mahoney said that prior to the house fire one tree in the area had been set on fire and an attempt made on another.
Hurst’s matter is set to be brought back before the court July 22.
did he say why he burnt down my friends house?
or is he just a pyromaniac? who does it for fun..
cause i never heard of this guy and he just burnt down one of my buddys house for no apparent reason and pretty much destroyed everything they own.
The accused, to the best of our knowledge, has not yet had his day in court to answer to the charges. When that time comes, we will update readers as to the man’s innocence or guilt in the Cardiff fire.