By Staff
Morinville – The little red brick building on 100 Ave. has had an active couple of years, according to Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce President Sheldon Fingler. The Chamber president made a presentation to Morinville Town Council July 13, outlining the activities of the centre over the past two years and addressing future plans for 2011.
Fingler told council the local business organization kept the Visitor Information Centre open a minimum of 35 hours per week Monday to Friday during 2009, opening two Saturday per month until November. Additionally, the facility was open during special occasions, including St. Jean Baptiste and Morinville’s Christmas Festivals.
Although no numbers of visitors were given during Fingler’s report, the president indicated that visitors to Morinville were assisted in a variety of ways, including telephone assistants, distribution of maps and walking tour guides, directions and information regarding local events and attractions.

For 2010 Fingler said the centre is maintaining its 35 hours of operation Monday to Friday, but has expanded operational hours during town events and festivals. Hours have been expanded on Thursdays and Fridays for the month of July.
Council heard that Fingler and some Chamber staff have taken training through Travel Alberta this spring, sessions that focused on travel counselling and Visitor information Centre operations.
The chamber president said plans for next year include obtaining Visitor Information centre accreditation with the province, an official status that would allow the Morinville facility to obtain government-regulated highway signage and put Morinville literally on government maps, as well as the Visitor information Centre into Travel Alberta literature.