By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – Although there is no limit to the colour combinations Steve and Denise Hunter can print in, the couple and their staff are shifting their focusing to green this week. Hunters Print & Copy in downtown Morinville is now an official recycling centre for ink and toner cartridges.
Denise Hunter said the business was recently approached by an Edmonton recycling firm who offered to come to Morinville to take empty ink and toner cartridges off their hands, an idea both she and Steve thought was a good one.
“They take all the cartridges and reuse them for re-manufacturing,” Steve said, adding that it keeps the cartridges out of a landfill site. “It’s like anything else – if you can reuse it, it’s better for the environment.”
To encourage people in Morinville and surrounding area to return their old cartridges, Hunters is giving recyclers coupons for their empty brand name units – $1 for each ink cartridges and $5 for each toner cartridges.
“If they have more than one empty, they can take the coupons for it and when they’re ready to buy again, they can use the coupon against it,” Denise said, adding that although the bonus coupon is given for brand name products only, people can still drop off no-name cartridges for recycling. “They will take them back from us and try to recycle them.”

The Hunters said they are pleased to be able to offer the new service, as it is in keeping with their own philosophy on recycling.
“As a print shop, we’re trying to recycle as much as possible,” Denise said, adding that customers have been asking what to do with their old cartridges. “We’ve heard of places that just take them back, but they can’t say what they’re doing with them.”
As for their own recycling efforts, the Hunters are active recyclers, reusing scrap paper for internal notepads and recycling the balance of their paper and cardboard.
What a great little online paper this is. I just discovered it while trying to find out about purchasing print cartridges in Morinville. I was so pleased to find out that Hunter’s Print & Copy will not only recycle my print cartridge but will also give me a discount on a new one. I would like to encourage everyone in Sturgeon County to do their best to support our local businesses. I know the attraction to the big box stores in St. Albert and Edmonton can be enticing but there is no substitute for a friendly face and keeping money in our local economy instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to the CEO’s of those other companies who don’t give a hoot about the little guys. Please don’t try to tell me that those box stores employ lots of people – tell that to all of the business owners and staff who no longer have jobs in Morinville!