FCSS Coordinator, Legal
Legal – Legal’s Community Services Board (CSB), which combines Recreation and Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) is pleased to be offering our 4th annual Meet Your Community Event on Friday Sept.17 at the Legal arena from 6-9 p.m.
This year’s theme is Cob-Toberfest and will offer up a feast of bratwurst, corn on the cob, German style potato salad, sauerkraut and Black Forest themed ice cream sundaes. Councillor Phil Hughes, a professional chef and owner of Premium Food Services has offered to cater the event at cost recovery.
We have seen wonderful corporate support this year: Tam Anderson of Prairie Gardens Adventure Farm is offering a free season’s pass as a prize for the family that brings the best scarecrow they’ve built at home to be judged by “peoples choice”; local entrepreneurs Jeannie and Dan Charrois of ExamBank are sponsoring a scavenger hunt and a scarecrow dress-up photo contest; Servus Credit Union is supplying cups and napkins for the event.
The whole community really pulls together to make this event happen. Mayor and council are all taking on volunteer positions, Legal school’s Food Studies class is going to shuck the corn and the Legal Youth Committee is being asked to offer volunteer support in exchange for refundable beverage containers as funds towards their new Youth Centre.
Although the event is just a whole ton of family fun, it’s a great fit under our mandate as community development is an integral component of FCSS, as is volunteer support.

Service clubs and organizations are invited to the event to showcase themselves, which is a great way for those new to the community to find out what’s here for them and for the various clubs and services to build awareness.
We are pleased that the Honourable Ken Kowalski will be joining us this year. He and the Honourable Brian Storseth were invited to join the event and accept our hospitality as a thank-you for what they do to support our community in their work.
Editor’s note: for more information on participating in Cobtoberfest call Ruthann Weeks ay 780-961-3773