By Étienne Thevou
The weekend ahead is full of activities for families throughout Sturgeon County to participate in. The only problem will be selecting just what to do.
Look to the rooftops for firefighters
If you are driving through Bon Accord on Sept. 11, don’t be surprised if you see fire trucks in the parking lot and firefighters on the roof of the Mac’s Convenience store.
Members of the Bon Accord volunteer Fire Department will be spending 30 hours on the roof as part of the Fire Within program, an initiative to raise awareness and funds for volunteer fire departments, including Bon Accord. Firefighters will be selling the 2011 Fire Within calendar at a cost of $20 each.
Firefighter challenge
And speaking of firefighters in action – Legal is playing host to this year’s Sturgeon County Firefighter’s challenge, an annual event that pits teams from all fire departments located within Sturgeon County boundaries.
Legal firefighter Robert Proulx said approximately 30 firefighters are signed up for this year’s event. The challenge runs from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. in Citadel Park.
The event will be followed by a cabaret, hosted by the Legal Fire Department. Admission to the firefighter challenge is free, but tickets for the cabaret are $10 per person. For more information on cabaret tickets, call Lynn at 780-961-4106.

Active Living Fair
Morinville’s Community Services Department is holding its annual Active Living Fair Sept. 11 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Parish Hall.
The gathering is an opportunity for residents new and old to network with Morinville’s various community groups and agencies.
In addition to learning more about what the community has to offer, the Active Living fair will also be holding an equipment swap. Participants are able to sell, trade or donate their sports equipment in preparation for the winter season. For more information on the equipment swap contact Tyler Edworthy at 780-939-4361.
Bargains in Gibbons
The Town of Gibbons will turn into one giant garage sale this Saturday. The Town’s annual Town-wide Garage Sale is an opportunity for residents to turn their old items into cash and an opportunity for residents and visitors to find a bargain.