Fair gathers community groups in one location

Morinville Army Cadets are one of 34 community groups, organizations and businesses participating int his weekend's Active Living Fair, taking place at the Morinville Parrish Hall Centre on 101 Avenue.

By MorinvilleNews.com Staff

Morinville – Recreational and Cultural Coordinator Melonie Dziwenka believes that Morinville is full of community spirit, something the town’s many organizations show. The problem is not everyone in town is aware of the organizations and the work they do.

But residents new and old will have the opportunity to get a better understanding of what is available in Morinville in terms of recreational organizations when the doors open Saturday morning for the Active Living Fair.

“We thought this was a good way of promoting, first of all that Morinville is helping,” Dziwenka said. “We’ve got these organizations; we’ve got these businesses that really work on the mental and physical health of all of us. So let’s bring it all to one room and showcase that.”

Dziwenka said 34 community groups and organization are participating in the Active Living Fair at the Parrish Hall. Some groups will be taking registrations for their programs while others are participating in the fair simply to bring awareness to their groups and what they have to offer Morinville residents.

“It get’s their name out there,” Dziwenka said. “People who are new to our area who just moved here in August will also get the chance to see who the different organizations are.”

Dziwenka said that while many organizations run websites on their activities and offerings, the Active Living Fair will allow for one-on-one communication where people can ask questions about the organization and those actively involved can provide the answers people are looking for.

“It was truly a way of promoting the organizations and businesses in our area that promote health and wellness,” Dziwenka said.

Several of the groups participating will be putting on demonstrations throughout the day. Dance Connections, Morinville Minstrels, Yellow Rock Dancers, Caviar Players, Rooke School of Karate and Movimento Fitness are all slated to participate in the demonstrations.

In addition to the organizations on hand promoting active living, the event will also be hosting an equipment swap in the Parrish Hall basement.

“People who have multiple pieces of sports equipment that their kids don’t use anymore can be either donated, traded or sold,” Dziwenka said, noting that the process helps low income families as well as families who have multiple kids. “We all know how expensive hockey equipment is, and again, it’s a way of reusing quality stuff.”

Dziwenka said anyone donating their equipment will receive a $10 gift certificate to Sport Check to help with the cost of new gear.

The Active Living Fair 2010 takes place Sept. 11 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Morinville Parish Hall Centre on 101 Avenue. Admission to the fair is free.