RV City helps to make girl’s wish come true

Make-A-Wish recipient Julia poses with her family in front of the RV donated by RV City so the young girl could go on a summer camping trip with her family - submitted photo.

By MorinvilleNews.com Staff

Morinville – A local business recently teamed up with Jayco Inc. and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Northern Alberta branch to make a young girl’s dream come true.

R.V. City, assisted by Jayco Inc. donated a 2010 Jay Flight trailer to Make-A-wish, a charitable organization that grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses, allowing a child with a brain tumour to fulfil her wish of trading in hospital treatments and appointments for a summer of fishing, swimming, and roasting marshmallows over an open campfire.

Julia, whose last name was not released by the organization, arrived with her family at R.V. City to find the trailer decorated with balloons and a sign bearing her name.

R.V. City owner Ross Hodgins said he was proud to be a part of what he felt was an amazing day. “We are honoured to participate in making Julia’s wish come true,” he said. “We are thankful for the support of Jayco Inc., a family-owned, family-focused company who were instrumental in making Julia’s wish a reality.”

In addition to donating the trailer, RV City gathered together many of the essentials for the family’s camping trip, including a set of dishes, camping chairs and other camping supplies.

Make-A-Wish Northern Alberta is one of nine wish granting chapters across Canada with trained volunteers dedicated fulfilling the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. To date, the organization has granted more than 4,000 wishes to Canadian children.


  1. Congratulations to RV City and Jayco! I think the smile on Julia’s face says it all.

  2. This is the most wonderful thing a local business can do..Like its been already said look at the smile this created thats what makes this so grand. Great Job RV City for showing this kind of kindness, creating happy memories, thats whats its all about.

    • I think what makes this particularly noteworthy is that this story was brought to our attention not by RV City, not by Jayco, but by the Make-A-Wish Foundation themselves.

      The actual event took place in late August and we were not contacted by RV City to cover the event at that time or any time thereafter.

      Contrast that against the countless businesses we see in community papers throughout North America week in and week out smiling broadly while holding a cheque for a couple hundred dollars.

      Unfortunately, many business owners know that buying that much publicity in the form of a paid ad would cost far more than the value of their ubiquitous oversized cardboard cheques.

      That’s not to diminish the role businesses play to help charitable organizations or a criticism for wanting a little recognition for the giving. But it is nice to see a business do something for someone, especially someone like Julia, without the need to beat the drum and bang the gong.

      I think that was clearly the case here and I think readers recognize it.

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