Editor’s Note: As part of our ongoing coverage of Election 2010, MorinvilleNews.com is accepting question from our readers, which will be published anonymously for candidates to answer. Please note that only candidates will be able to respond to the questions asked by our readers. Links to questions asked will be archived in our Ask-A-Candidate section. See link in navigation bar above.
There have been complaints that not all residence feel fairly represented with regards to the building of the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. Adjacent residences feel threatened that they will loose their ability to enjoy peace and quiet in their homes, health concerns related to sleep interruption and loss of real estate values.
My question is this:
Do you believe this Town Council should be pro-active in ensuring noise attenuation is constructed at the same time as the Centre is being built; or
Should you wait to see how many complaints and damages are registered prior to opening talks on the subject.
Point to consider: The Architect presented a sound study based on the building materials used and layout, it concluded events such as concert level noise will be loud enough to interfere with speach in neighboring back yards.
I sat on the SDAB Hearing in May regarding this item. There was alot to consider when we looked at this and the time constraints that were before us. The Board felt that the potential noise levels that will be generated from the site related to the use of the facility would exceed acceptable levels. Evidence that was presented by both the appellant and the proponent relating to the expected noise levels that would be generated from the development are a huge concern to us, and it is expected that the noise will exceed acceptable levels with a frequency that will negatively affect the quality of life of those living in close proximity. We did not want to put some kind of sound mitigation during construction that would not be appropriate or effective until we had an expert do an assessment. We tried to put in place what we believed was the correct avenue to take. A sound assessment must be completed concerning the development by a qualified expert with final sound mitigation methods to be approved by Council. This is not an option for Council it must be done and it must be brought before Council at a regular or special meeting open to the public prior to the occupancy permit being issued. Then Council will vote on what is required. I know where I stand on this and will vote accordingly, keep the pressure on Council and make sure this is an election question for all candidates.
As a General reminder, although it is clearly posted in the EDITOR’s NOTE above, ONLY CANDIDATES are eligible to reply to the Ask-A-Candidate feature.
Thank you for your comments, I agree that Council not only “should” but “MUST” be in touch with all the resident of Morinville, not only on the area that a building is being build, but on any issue that there might be a public impact. The public has the right to know what is going on in their community and should be given every opportunity to be heard, prior, during, and after any project is done.
On the issue of CCCC I know that Open Houses from Council and PCL with the Architect did happen and they spoke to many residents in our community, being the schools, business community and residents. I am sure that many of their concerns and wants were put into action; however the noise situation only came to Council attention from a concerned individual with his supporters. We all know what happened then…
Council did review, debate, and talk to the community on all the possible locations of this new building. However; talk went from a Community Cultural Centre with a Library to a more of a Community Conference Cultural Centre. Which I was NOT in favour of; as I am a great supporter of the Library and Community Groups that needed and still need a place to go and meet. A CCCC will not be successful without a 60 – 80 rooms hotel in town.
Yes, some might say that we did this or are working on it; well putting 4 rooms for 30 plus groups to use… you do the math. Plus these Community Groups may be told that today you cannot use your rooms because we are having a conference and we need all the rooms for break-out sessions.
The first location was spotted to be behind the arena. Many residents of Morinville and I voiced our reasoning why this should be the right location; we were listened to but no action was taken from our recommendation.
As for following the rules – that’s why I want an open an honest government. You and your supporters now have the chance to voice your opinion/mind on October 18, 2010. Vote for the Mayor, Councillor(s), and School Trustee(s) that you believe will move Morinville in the direction you wish to see it go.
If you believe I am the future Mayor of Morinville your vote will be appreciated. Thank you.
After doing some research, I discovered that on May 11, 2010 Council unanimously approved the third and final reading of the Noise Control Bylaw with an amendment to Item 16.1. The amendment states ‘Any person conducting construction or special events outside of the hours authorized and set out in sections 4.1, 5.1, 8.2, and schedule ‘A’ attached to and forming part of this bylaw is required to apply for a Special Noise Exemption permit with a fee of $100.00″. Who approves the permits and under what criteria? Will this not open the door to noise at all hours of the night in the Cultural Centre or in any other part of town? If this is the case, and with Council obviously aware of the bylaw amendment, one would think that steps to finding a solution would have already be found rather than taking a wait and see approach. Perhaps the bylaw needs to be reamended?
I do believe that a noise attenuation structure should be in place for the opening of the Community Cultural Centre. We want the Community Cultural Centre to be used to it’s potential; otherwise, why are we building it? We should assume that the expected noise levels that will negatively effect the quality of life for the surrounding residents will occur frequently. I sincerely hope there is a solution for mitigating the noise pollution from the centre.
I am both a land-use planner and an economic development officer and have been for over 20 years. I work with building architects on an ongoing basis. Their message to me is that in considering noise attenuation it is best to implement measures to reduce noise emissions during the building design and construction phases. They say and I have seen that when noise “leaves” a building it is very difficult and inordinately expensive to provide noise attenuation measures. Trees and concrete berms do little to mitigate noise. Indeed the narrow green space between the back lots of the houses on 99A Avenue and 100 Avenue offers little space for any mitigative measures.
Also, bear in mind that houses north of 101 Avenue will also be impacted.
I am aware of the sound study conducted by the the architect. This study clearly stated that noise mitigation was best accomplished in the design and construction of the building.
We have lived in Notre Dame for 22 years and my house has a direct view of the high school and cultural centre. My family will be affected by any noise from activities at the Cultural Centre. As both a neighbor and a candidate for council I spoke to several residents along 99A Avenue. I share their concerns on noise and the impacts that may have on their property.
Town Council needs to ensure these residents are presented the facts on what anticipated noise levels will be. As a resident of the affected area I am also interested in that information.