By Staff
Morinville / Legal – Schools in the Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division were cast in a favourable light in Minister of Education David Hancock’s 2010 Accountability Pillar report, released this week. The Accountability Pillar measures a school division’s performance in delivering high quality education.
“Results for Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools are outstanding, exceeding the achievement of the province in 15 of the 16 areas reported on by Alberta Education” said Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division Vice-Chair Lauri-Ann Turnbull in a release Thursday.
The schools received excellent ratings for providing safe and caring schools, a diversity of programming, student achievement on provincial tests, focus on citizenship and continuous improvement of its schools.
Additionally, the division exceeded provincial averages and received recognition for obtaining a high level of achievement on high school completion rates, Rutherford Scholarship eligibility rates, the number of students continuing education beyond high school and preparing students for the workplace and engaging parents.
“This strong performance across all measures is a result of the hard work being done by the teachers and students in the division each and every day,” Turnbull said. “It’s also a reflection of the level of engagement parents and stakeholders in our community have taken to support and promote academic success and excellence in all that we do. We are blessed with a community that demonstrates faith in our students.”
The results of the Accountability Pillar report will be shared with individual school communities and incorporated into school plans to continue the trend identified in the current report.