Editor’s Note: As part of our ongoing coverage of Election 2010, MorinvilleNews.com is accepting question from our readers, which will be published anonymously for candidates to answer. Please note that only candidates will be able to respond to the questions asked by our readers. Links to questions asked will be archived in our Ask-A-Candidate section. See link in navigation bar above.
There is a lot of discussion by the candidates in regard to working closely with the Chamber [of Commerce] and forming committees to improve our local shopping issues.
Out of the 15 candidates running in the election, seven (Thiessen, Radford, Turnbull, [Luker-]Chevalier, Pattison, Trapani and Bertschi) used the local sign shops. One (Roy) made her own. Nine (Thiessen, Radford, Turnbull, Chevalier, Pattison, Krauskopf, Roy, Trapani and Bertschi) used the local printing store [for other materials].
My question to the rest of the candidates is…if elected, how do you plan on helping the local businesses without supporting them yourself?
Editor’s note [bracketed] words have been added for clarity.
PLEASE NOTE – Only Candidates may post comments to this posting. Morinvillenews.com welcomes reader comments on our articles, but we wish to keep these particular segments open for candidates alone so that readers do not have to separate who is and is not vying for their vote.
I also used local means for my signs and brochures.
Myself and my family do most of our shopping in Morinville and that includes most of the materials used in my campaign. I have purchased materials for my campaign from 6 local businesses.
I recycled my old election signs made by a local sign maker for past elections. I support all local business.
Thank you for the questions and your concerns.
As you are aware I spend my hard earned money (with NO donations from anybody or any business/company) at mainly 4 locations in Morinville, it would have been 5 however they refuse to have my business.
I got all my signs (large and small) done at Abcor Signs.
I got all my brochures (printing) done at Hunters Print Shop.
I got all my advertizing (newspaper) done at the Free Press and Farm
& Friends Newspapers.
I have an Open House for Tea/Coffee and Cookies events at Vintage Petals Tea House.
Plus the Morinvillenews.com and The St. Albert Gazette allowed me to place an editorial for FREE (as this is their policy during election).
I believe in sharing and letting the experts in their field do what they do best for what I needed.
Ladies and Gentlemen – if we do not WALK THE TALK – then you are just part of the problem.
Businesses and the People of Morinville we need to be working together to make Shopping Locally a true story. Will it be 100%? No, however can we at least start by getting you shopping locally at least 60% of the time.
Thank You, Joseph Trapani
My materials were all designed locally. I was fortunate that my signs were donated, the sign holders were recycled from a friend’s campaign and we printed my brochures ourselves. When I had the option to get materials locally, I did – yesterday when quickly I needed more brochures for door-knocking, I had them printed at Hunter’s. Everything that my campaign created was simple, cost-effective and able to be recycled or reused.
Thankyou- interesting and valid question. Yes the signs were home made but I still supported local merchants.The signs I made were made with some recycled stencils and corplast material. The wooden sticks came from the garden and flower beds and some purchased from Home Hardware and the spray paint purchased from Home Hardware, and tape from the dollar store in town. I had also checked with Castle in town – but they did not the paint required to use on corplast material.
It was a reuse-recycle thing- the boards and sticks will be reused in the flower beds next summer.