Council sworn in time for heavy agenda

Morinville Town Council from left: Coun. Paul Krauskopf, Coun. Lisa Holmes, Coun. Ben Van De Walle, Mayor Lloyd Bertschi, Coun. Nicole Boutestein, Coun. Gordon Boddez and Coun. David Pattison were sworn in Friday afternoon and will hold their first regularly scheduled council meeting Oct. 26.

By Staff

Morinville – Mayor Lloyd Bertschi and the six councillors who will serve by his side over the next three years were sworn in by the Honourable Ken Kowalski, speaker of the Alberta Legislative Assembly and Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock MLA, Friday afternoon.

Morinville Director of Public Works pipes Morinville's new council into chambers for the swearing in ceremony.
Morinville’s new council was piped into Council Chambers by Claude Valcourt, Morinville’s director of public works, the new councillors taking their seat at the council table prior to being officially sworn in by Kowalski.

The public ceremony was well attended by Town staff, friends and family of the council members and by members of the general public.

Veteran councillors Gordon Boddez, Paul Krauskopf and Ben Van De Walle are joined by first term Councillors Nicole Boutestein, Lisa Holmes and David Pattison, each of whom have been appointed to various boards and committees.

Mayor Bertschi will again be involved in Disaster Services with Ben Van De Walle as an alternate.

Newcomers Nicole Boutestein and David Pattison will represent council on the Assessment Review Board but will have to take training prior to sitting in on any hearings.

Van De Walle will continue representing council with the Alberta Capital Region Waste Water Sewage Commission and will be Morinville’s alternate to Mayor Bertschi with the Capital Region Board.

Ken Kowalski invests Mayor Lloyd Bertschi with Morinville's chain of office, a piece of regalia commissioned by outgoing Councillor Joe Gosselin.
Councillor Krauskopf will represent Morinville with Capital Region Affordable Housing and with the Sturgeon Foundation.

Councillors Boddez and Holmes will represent council on the Christmas Festival Committee and Holmes will be council’s representative to the Northern Lights Library System as well as the Morinville Public Library Board. Prior to the election Holmes was vice chair of the Morinville Public Library board.

Council’s position on the Roseridge Waste Management committee will be filled by Councillor Pattison and Councillor Boddez will be responsible for participating with the Sturgeon Regional Economic Development Committee.

Councillors Holmes and Krauskopf will be the two council members on the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board and Councillors Holmes and Boutestein will be involved with volunteer recognition.

At the same organizational meeting, Councillor Krauskopf was sworn in as Deputy Mayor, a position he will hold for the next six months. Councillors will each take a six month term as Deputy Mayor over the next three years.

Morinville’s new council steps up to the plate Tuesday night for their first regular council meeting, facing an agenda that includes a delegation complaining about the odour coming from Champion Pet Foods, a public hearing and four bylaw decisions.

Counciller Lisa Holmes is sworn in by Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock MLA and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Ken Kowalski.