1. Yes, I agree that both logos look nice and yes it is time for Morinville to move forward. My only question is what was the cost of the contractor “Focus Design Group” and is their cost included in the $50,000 to $60,000 costs mentioned above? I believe that we are in a time where the constant tax increases and static incomes, people will not look favorably on high costs being spent on “it would be nice” programs rather than what we have to do here in town to stay alive.


  2. Seriously? Morinville’s paying $50,000 – $60,000 for someone to stack a some M’s on top of each other? Why don’t we make our new town logo a 100 dollar bill with wings, to represent all the money we’re throwing away…

  3. Responding to both comemnts above and taken from our article:

    “The design and selection of Morinville’s new logo is part of a $50,000 to $60,000 rebranding package that will include all the templates for brochures, reports, business cards as well as an overall communication strategy and marketing plan for promoting the Town of Morinville.

  4. Seriously? The second logo would be great for Movember Month- the campaign to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer- with the M and the moustache underneath.
    Neither of the logos portray anything to do architecturally with the church. This is a very poor view of the WHOLE town.
    How about tieing in the yellow for the surrounding fields or the sunshine, the blue for the blue skies, a tree for the open space and parks.

  5. While I am quite glad to see Morinville moving forward and those logos are nice looking I don’t particularly feel they are a great representation of Morinville. But hey, what do I know? LOL. Glad to see effort put into making our town look better on paper.

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