Council approves two per cent increase to water and sewer rates

By Staff

Morinville – Residents will pay an additional 2 per cent for water and sewer in 2011 after Morinville Town Council gave third reading to its revised water and sewer bylaws Tuesday night.

The Town introduced a full cost recovery system a few years ago, seeking to make sure Morinville properly covered its costs of operating the system and set monies aside for future needs. The increase in water and swer rates is to maintain that cost recovery system.

The bylaw authorizes the increase in the cubic metre rate from $1.7549 per cubic metre to $1.79. Additionally, the service capacity fixed charge increase across the board for the various pipe sizes present in Morinville. The fixed charge for 5/8 inch pipe increases from $19.35 per month to $19.75, ¾ inch from $27.86 to $28.42 and 1 inch pipe from $49.54 to $50.53 per month. Larger pipe sizes, commonly used in commercial facilities, will also see 2 per cent increases across the board.

Sewer costs will also increase in 2011 with the cubic metre rate increasing from .925 per cubic metre to .9481. The service capacity fixed charge increases from $17.84 per month to $18.20 for 5/8 inch pipe. For ¾ inch pipe, the fixed rate increases from $25.69 per month to $26.20. One inch pipe fixed rate will rise from $45.68 per month to $46.59.

It is believed the increase in water and sewer rates will represent an average per household increase of $22 per year.