Around the schools

Photos By Stephen Dafoe

Inuit for a day École Georges P. Vanier School Grade 2 students Dominic Peacock (left) and Jaeda Reaume (right) take a turn at Sledge Jump, one of several Inuit games students participated in Jan. 27 during Iqaluit day. The students spent the day studying Inuit culture as part of their social studies curriculum.
Ye Olde Love of Books A medieval castle complete with royals, knights and dragons was a popular attraction at Notre Dame Elementary School’s Labyrinth of Literacy held Jan. 27 during Family Literacy Day. Above: Grade 5 teacher Dianne Hutton poses with the castle.

A peaceful protest

Morinville resident Thomas Kirsop put a few miles on his shoes Thursday afternoon walking back and forth in front of St. Germaine Plaza in downtown Morinville. Kirsop was raising awareness of his concerns about recommendations made by the Alberta Catholic School Trustees Association (ACTSA) to the Minister of Education Dave Hancock.

Kirsop is concerned the recommendations, if approved, would affect the right of non-Catholic parents to serve on school councils in Morinville and for parents to have the right to remove their children from religious instruction classes.