Alberta Party leadership candidate in Morinville Thursday

Glenn Taylor
By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Alberta Party leadership hopeful and Hinton Mayor Glenn Taylor will be in Morinville Thursday night to meet with members of the Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock Constituency Association. The long-time politician will be visiting the Ellerslie Constituency Association Wednesday night. Taylor has been actively on the campaign trail since announcing his bid for the party leadership Feb. 8.

“As much as the Alberta Party is social media savvy and able to stay in touch with each other through Twitter and Facebook, nothing compares to coming into a community, meeting the residents face to face, and discussing their hopes, challenges and aspirations for Alberta,” Taylor said of his upcoming visit to Morinville. “I intend to get to as many constituency associations as I can, especially in our more rural regions.”

Taylor has been doing precisely that and said his leadership campaign has been going well thus far.

“We are meeting folks from all age groups and all walks of life that are looking for change,” Taylor said, adding the party is attracting people from all age groups. “Last week I was in Camrose and they were hosting a founding meeting for their constituency association. Three 20 year olds were elected to the board along with a retired church deacon. I am finding a common yearning for something better and this bodes well for our campaign. We are also finding a lot of support for my candidacy for the leadership. Folks seem to really like the idea that I have served my community at a local level and am looking to bring that experience to provincial government while leading our party.

Taylor was first elected to Hinton Town council in 2001 and first ran for mayor in 2004. He is currently on his third term. But just as Taylor has had challengers for his mayoral seat, so too is he encountering challengers in his Alberta Party leadership bid.

Over the Family Day long weekend The Social Entrepreneurship Academy for Change Ltd. Owner, Tammy Maloney, announced her intentions to seek the leadership and Calgary-based Arrow Energy Ltd. President and CEO Chris Tesarski announced his intentions to run for the post Feb. 22.

Taylor said he was pleased to have some competition.

“It’s good that two more contenders have announced their candidacy for the leadership of the Alberta Party,” Taylor said. “I expect that we should hear from at least one or two more. Democracy is best served through contested elections and I think that this will help to grow our Party and raise awareness across Alberta.”

The Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock constituency Association meeting is set to take place at Don’s Steak and Seafood Bistro on 100 Avenue in Morinville. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and those interested in meeting the candidate or learning more about the Alberta Party are invited to attend.

1 Comment

  1. It’s great Glen is getting out to established CAs, put the winner of this race will be the person who signs up the most new members.

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