readers weigh in on issues

Our first poll closed Sunday night. Last week we asked …

What is the most pressing issue facing Morinville today?

The results were as follows:

  • The Catholic Public School Issue 38.46% (20 votes)
  • The Odour From Champion 26.92% (14 votes)
  • Lack Of Businesses 25% (13 votes)
  • Lack Of Recreational Amenities 5.77% (3 votes)
  • Other 3.85% (2 votes)

Total Votes: 52

This weeks question is What Morinville event do you most look forward to?

  • Family Day Snowman Festival
  • St. Jean Baptiste Festival
  • Redeye Ball Tournament
  • Lite Up The Nite Christmas Festival
  • Other

You’ll find the poll on the right hand column on any page of this news site.


  1. Mr. Editor, you insult me and every Canadian by not having CANADA DAY as one of your selections. I realize that the town of morinville has totally ignored CANADA DAY in favour of St Jean Baptiste day but I thought you, as the news provider for the Morinville area, would have at least included it in your article! Ask another question: what Morinville event do you want your tax dollars supporting?

    • Well, it is easy to be insulted.

      We didn’t include Canada Day because Morinville has not – in the recent past – held Canada Day Celebrations, something you are well aware of.

      When it does, we’ll include it in a future poll.

      I’m happy to report there are plans to hold Canada Day celebrations this year, plans by a group of individuals who are as passionate about our National birthday as you and many of us are.

      When those plans come to fruition, you can be certain this publication will include coverage of those celebrations before and after the event. Until then, you’ll forgive me for working with what is known for a fact to be on this year’s calendar of events.

  2. In support of Will, there is an “other” spot in this weeks poll where he can put Canada Day even though Morinville hasn’t done anything in the past.

  3. How about create a poll that asks readers what event they’d like to see the town organize….

  4. Mr. Editor, I think you and all those who help you with your news publications are doing an absolutely wonderful job! Your efforts to keep us informed on ALL of the news in Morinville is excellent. Keep up the good work sir! And here’s to hoping that our town council sees the results from your polls. 🙂

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