Morinville – An MCHS student was presented with a cheque for $500 Monday by Service Alberta for her award-winning poster on identity theft. Sixteen-year-old Colette Bachand was one of five winners in the 2010 Alberta Consumer Champion Awards, an acknowledgement that recognizes Albertans who work to promote fairness in the Alberta marketplace by delivering outstanding consumer programs and awareness initiatives.
“These Albertans have gone above and beyond for consumers in this province,” said Heather Klimchuk, Minister of Service Alberta in a release Monday. “They have demonstrated excellence in helping Alberta consumers become more knowledgeable about their consumer rights.”
Bachand’s poster took second place in the youth (age 15 to 18) category of the awards. Three awards of $1,000, $500, and $250 were given for entries in this category, which includes a poster and in-depth research on a consumer topic relevant to youth.
Service Alberta’s write up on Bachand’s entry said her “creates awareness for young consumers using a variety of identifications they will manage in their lifetime.” Additionally, the government ministry said Blanchard’s questionnaire response demonstrated a strong knowledge and understanding of consumer rights and responsibilities.
Bachand and the other recipients of the award were given their cheques and awards Mar. 7 in Edmonton.