Letter: Community Garden group looking for a few good people

Dear Editor:

Plans for the Morinville Centennial Community Garden are in full swing and at the moment we are awaiting to see if we will receive a community grant from the town at the end of the month. As we wait we however must continue to plan so we can hit the ground running in April ready to build beds, compost bins, a shed, signs and all the necessities for a successful garden.

We are in search of a few good people to join our garden committee. Many hands make light work and the more the merrier, so please consider these positions and if you are interested let me know. You do not have to have a garden plot to be on the committee you just have to believe in the value of the garden and want to be a part of an amazing new community and environmental initiative.

The following positions are based on a two year commitment and people are required to attend monthly meetings during the summer and two or three meetings during the off season. These positions are nominated and voted on by garden members.

Garden Coordinator (Chairs meetings, oversees all committee members and volunteers. They are the liaison between garden and United Church and Town of Morinville. Commitment of two-year term, approx 4-5 hrs per week

Treasurer (collects plot fees, manages garden account, writes cheques and receipts, attends monthly meetings during peak season) Commitment is for a two-year term, approx 2-3 hrs per week.

Secretary (takes minutes at meetings, does photocopying, creates and maintains spreadsheet of gardener info, updates garden bulletin boards, and attends monthly meetings) commitment of two-year term, approximately 2-3 hrs per week.

Registrar (organizes registration, assigns plots, collects applications, manages waiting lists, and attends monthly meetings) Commitment of two-year term, approx 2-3 hours per week, especially at the beginning.

Garden Manager (Ensures gardeners are following guidelines and policy enforcement if necessary, helps maintain common areas, mow pathways, remove trash, monitor compost, assist new gardeners, and attend monthly meetings) Commitment of two-year term, approx 4-5 hrs per week.

The following sub committee positions are a one-year volunteer position. Participants are not required to attend all monthly meetings, but are encouraged to attend so information can be communicated clearly. They will report to a member of the garden committee.
Information coordinator (reports to secretary, responsible for phoning or emailing garden members information) Approx 1-2 hrs per week.

PR coordinator (reports to the Garden coordinator, creates a monthly newsletter, contacts media in regards to special events and keeps FaceBook page updated) Approx 1-2 hrs per week.

Social events coordinator (reports to the garden coordinator, organizes grand opening, potlucks, plant swaps, town events etc.) Approx 2-3 hrs per week.

Fund-raising coordinator (reports to the garden coordinator, organizes garage sales, BBQ lunch, fall supper etc.) Approx 2-3 hrs per week.

Maintenance (reports to the garden manager, maintains tools, equipment, hoses, raised beds) Approx 1-2 hrs per week.

Q. Why would I want to commit to any of these positions?

A. If somebody doesn’t do them they won’t get done and the garden will not prosper or grow. Most of these jobs can be done from the comfort of your home in your pyjamas if you want and on your schedule. It’s an opportunity to give back to the community while promoting a better way of living. It’s a great way to learn something new and meet new people.

If you want more information about any of these positions please come to our planning meeting on Tuesday March 22nd at 7 pm at the Morinville United Church. 9610 Morinville Drive.

Check out our facebook page

Valerie Loseth

1 Comment

  1. This is a great idea. With the cost of food predicted to skyrocket over the coming years, community gardens will become the norm. I just hope that Morinville residents use the gardens. I know in Edmonton there are bountiful community gardens in various community leagues that seem to lie dormant.

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