readers show voting preferences

Our fifth reader poll ran last week with readers voting who they are likely to vote for in the upcoming federal election. The results were as follows:

Conservatives 65.67% (44 votes)

Liberals 7.46% (5 votes)

NDP 2.99% (2 votes)

Green Party 1.49% (1 votes)

Christian Heritage 1.49% (1 votes)

Other 0% (0 votes)

I won’t be voting 1.49% (1 votes)

Too soon to tell 19.4% (13 votes)

Other: 0% (0 votes)

Unsurprisingly, the Conservatives have the lion’s share of the vote at almost two thirds, followed by the Liberals with just more than 7 per cent and the NDP with almost 3 per cent. The Christian Heritage Party will not be fielding a local candidate this time around and it appears the Greens will not be either.

This week’s poll takes politics to the local level. Five months into their term of office, who has been the most effective member of council.

You’ll find the poll in the right hand margin of any page of this site.