Police looking for stolen skid steer

By MorinvilleNews.com Staff

Morinville – RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a skid steer stolen from a Morinville compounds earlier this week.

Sometime between the hours of 8 p.m. Aug. 2 and 7 a.m. Aug. 3, unknown subjects entered the locked compound at 8802 90 Avenue in Morinville and stole a 2000 Melroe 773(G) skid steer front end loader. The loader is owned by Alpha Construction and has the company logo affixed to it.

Entry to the compound was gained by breaking through the fence. The skid steer was then loaded onto a trailer and driven off the site.

At this time Morinville RCMP do not have any suspects in this investigation. Information relating to this theft can be forwarded to the Morinville RCMP Detachment at 780-939-4550 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.