Alexander elects new chief and council

Chief Allen Paul (left) participates in the Grand Entry of the 2011 Alexander Traditional Powow. Paul is replaced as Alexander First Nation's Chief by Chief Herb Arcand.

By Staff

Alexander – Elections were held at Alexander First Nation Aug. 11 for Chief and six councillors. Chief Herb Arcand replaces Chief Allen Paul. Alexander’s six other members of council will be made up of two incumbent councillors, Bernard Paul and Kurt Burnstick, and newcomers Armand Arcand, Curtis Arcand, Marty Jr. Arcand and Marcel Arcand.

Alexander First Nation’s elections are governed by its own Band Custom Election Law. Chief and Council serve a three-year term, and are collectively directly accountable to the band membership for Alexander’s success in carrying out the mission and vision and for the conduct of its affairs.

Chief and Council act as a policy governing board whose authority comes from federal laws and regulations governing First Nations. Alexander’s written bylaws establish policies and procedures. The Chief and Council provide overall leadership and direction to the Alexander First Nation.

Alexander First Nation’s website identifies that their mission is “to provide physical, emotional and mental well being for every member of the community through the provision of quality health, social, cultural, economic employment training and education programs and opportunities.”

Details on vote tallies from last Thursday’s election were not available by deadline.


  1. Alexsander counsel doesn’t take negative comments very well. I wrote them back in 2010 approx. telling them what I really thought of them,( let me tell you ,it wasn’t good.) since ,they have cut me off my Christmas bonus payments, land settlement payments, and any other payments they owe me. Is that their right ,to do this to me.? (they treat off reserve members like crap.)

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