Video showing the concept of chicken chariot racing.
By Stephen Dafoe
Legal – Some residents have decided not to put all their eggs in one basket with respect to next year’s Fête au Village festival, but as far as council is concerned, and with respect to the idea of hosting chicken chariot races in town, it is better to poulet than draw negative attention on the town.
Council voted unanimously to a resolution of non-support for a proposed chicken chariot race at next year’s Fête, a decision that could prevent prospective Hen Hurs from driving their fowl chariots through the community. The event, which would see chicken-pulled chariots traversing down race shoots as a festival event, caused a bit of clucking from Councillor Lisa Magera who is currently on the Fête committee. Magera felt so strongly about the issue, which had gained support among the Legal Chamber of Commerce after being proposed by a member of the community, that she was prepared to resign from the committee should the event proceed.
But Magera was not alone in being cautious about the event. The majority of council felt chicken chariot races would be seen as cruelty towards animals, something that could give Legal a bad image and the reputation of being a backwoods community.

Although Mayor Albert St. Jean was pleased someone was looking for something new for the annual celebration, he felt chicken races might not be the ticket. “At least someone was thinking outside the box and wanting to do something different,” he said. “But they should come up with something else.”
After discussing the concept, Magera made a resolution recommending that Legal Council not support the proposed event. The resolution passed unanimously. A letter will be sent to the Legal Chamber of Commerce advising them of council’s decision.
I have an idea for something new. Why not approach and agility club or a fly ball club to put on a demonstration with their dogs. When I did agility with my dogs we were frequently asked to do this and it always drew a large number of spectators.
To Judy Carver: Thank you very much for giving a alternative event for the Fete Au Village. I will bring your suggestion to our next Legal & District Chamber of Commerce meeting.