Alexander First Nation signs new health care agreement with AHS

By Staff

Edmonton – A new health care agreement with Alberta Health Services (AHS) will extend funding for 21 continuing care beds at the Kipohtakawkamik Elders’ Lodge in Alexander. AHS staff from Seniors Health and Aboriginal Health joined the Alexander First Nation Chief and citizens for the signing of the agreement.

“This agreement continues to support the Alexander First Nation to determine how best to deliver services to our elders,” said Health Director Marlene Arcand in a release Tuesday. “Elders are revered in First Nation tradition and culture, and being empowered to age in place keeps our relatives as part of our community, which is beneficial to our elders and to our youth.”

Caroline Clark Executive Director of Seniors Health in the Edmonton Zone agrees with the importance of gaining in place. “We’ve very proud of our relationship with the Alexander First Nation. The agreement allows for a culturally-appropriate solution and the outcomes have been nothing short of fantastic.”