2011 MacMillan Scholarships awarded

2011 Dale MacMillan Scholarship Awards were presented at Sturgeon County offices Tuesday afternoon. From left: Gail MacMillan, Krista Boddez, Sturgeon County Mayor Don Rigney, Nicole Rushko.

By MorinvilleNews.com Staff

Sturgeon County – County Council gathered over the noon hour Tuesday to award two area youth with Dale McMillan Scholarship, an annual award that recognizes students for their community involvement and leadership and consists of a cheque for $2,000 to be used for post-secondary education. This year’s recipients were Krista Boddez and Nicole Rushko, two students chosen from a field of 11 candidates for the annual award.

Boddez was recognized for her academic leadership and dedication as well as her extra-curricular activities. In addition to being an honours graduate from Sturgeon Composite High School, Boddez has excelled at dance, music and scuba diving. The high school graduate will be entering the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta this fall.

Rushko, a Redwater High School honours graduate, was recognized for her commitment to academics as well as her community involvement. During her time in high school, Rushko excelled at a variety of sports, including basketball, volleyball and minor hockey. She is currently a volunteer at the Redwater Hospital Long Term Care Facility and is a lifeguard at the Redwater Swimming Pool. She will be entering the Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta this fall.

The annual award honours the memory of the long-time Calahoo resident Dale MacMillan who was active in his community as a coach, fundraiser and event organizer. MacMillan was a one- time president of the West Sturgeon Ag Society and an instrumental member of the Calahoo-Villeneuve Gravel Extraction Committee. He is remembered in the County as a man with a quick wit and the ability to bring people together regardless of how far apart they may have been on any given issue.
His widow, Gail MacMillan, attended Tuesday’s award presentations.