Tuesday marks the one year anniversary of the last municipal election, a time when Morinville residents went to the polls to select their mayor and council. Over the past year council has been challenged with a number of items: the mini-media frenzy over a misunderstood animal control bylaw, the divisive debate over whether or not Morinville should have a completely secular option for students, the ongoing issue of what to do about the Champion Petfoods odour problem, the opening of the Morinville Community Cultural Centre, and the ongoing challenges of a community that has experienced an 11 per cent growth over the past two years. All of this occurred in a year that Morinville marked its 100th year as a town. Add in the dismissal of another CAO and the departure of a number of administrative and support staff, and there is no question this past year has been a challenging one for council.
But during the election, councillors campaigned on a variety of issues, making promises as politicians are inclined to do when campaigning for office. But is what was important to those seeking office still important to those who succeeded in being elected to office.
Some members of council campaigned on a promise to get economic development in Morinville going. Some campaigned on a promise to make sure the town did more local shopping. Some campaigned to make council and the town more transparent in their dealings. At least one council candidate campaigned with the argument he had a solution to finally get Morinville a pool.

Regardless of how they campaigned and what they promised, how have they done? Have Morinville’s councillors walked their campaign talk? For the next couple days we will continue our reader’s poll asking which member of council – mayor excluded – has walked the walk the best.
You will find the poll on the right hand sidebar. Results of our reader poll will be published in the Oct. 24 edition of Monday Morning News.
Nicole Gibbons (Boutestein) is doing an excellent job in her year as councillor. Look out, she could become your next Mayor.
Lisa Holmes your shining face is everywhere in our community and EVERYONE knows who you are! You have done so much in the last year, keep up the awesome work!! We all appreciate your visions of the future and all the new and exciting projects you are currently working on! Morinville needs more bright future focused people like you to keep us progressing with the rest of the world and actualy put in motion the changes needed….keep up the great work!!!