Around the town – end of week edition

Prize of the month - Library patron Korien Sampson (left) receives a Kobo e-book reader from Morinville Public Library Manager Isabelle Cramp. The electronic device was a prize in a Library Month contest held in October. Patrons who paid their fines or made a small donation to the library had their names entered into a draw. The Morinville Public Library's patrons are frequently the largest consumers of electronic book downloads in the region.
Award time - Joel Houle, Operations Captain for the Morinville Fire Department presents Ecole Georges P. Vanier Principal Marlene Pelletier with an award for most efficient frie drill. Houle told Pelletier there were many factors the department considered in judging schools for how quickly and efficiently students were removed from the school when the fire bell rang.
Remembering the fallen - Sturgeon County Councillor Karen Shaw ties a yellow ribbon to a tree at the County offices on 100 Street early Thursday morning. Shaw was joined by fellow Councillor Tom Flynn and some County staff. The ribbons are in memory of Master Corporal Byron Greff, a Morinville soldier and family man who was killed in Kabul Oct. 29.
Morinville Councillor Nicole Boutestein ties a ribbon to a tree in St. Jean Baptiste Park Thursday afternoon. She was joined by fellow Councillors Holmes and Boddez, Mayor Bertschi and members of Town Staff.

The Town of Morinville has a book of condolence at the Town Office (Parish Hall). The book will be at the Legion on Remembrance Day.