By Staff
Morinville – The memory of fallen Morinville soldier Master Corporal Byron Greff will continue to be at the forefront in Morinville well past Friday’s Remembrance Day ceremonies with the current yellow ribbon campaign and the airing of a documentary during the upcoming Lite Up the Nite Christmas celebrations.
The Town of Morinville, as part of its annual Christmas festival celebrations, and in honour of Master Corporal Greff and other Canadian soldiers, will be presenting a screening of If I Should Fall, a feature length film telling the story of the Canadian Afghan War experience.
The film, directed by Brendon Culliton, won the 2011 Award of Excellence at the Canadian International Film Festival. The film has been updated to include the passing of Master Corporal Greff.
Morinville Interim Chief Administrative Officer Debbie Oyarzun said the special screening is specificallty in honour of the Morinville resident who was the 158th Canadian soldier to die in the line of duty in Afghanistan but as a tribute to all soldiers in a broader sense.
“In honour we felt we would offer this screening of an award-winning documentary on Sunday November 27th,” she said. “We just thought it would be a good way to honour him, his family, and other Canadian soldiers.”

Oyarzun said as part of the screening the Town is asking for donations from those who view the film, monies that will be given to Greff’s family.
The placement of the film within the annual Christmas festival is in keeping with the sense of community and family the festival has always tried to dispense. “This is a really tough time to lose a member of a family,” The CAO said, adding the number of military personnel living in Morinville creates an extended family between military and non-military residents. “It’s showing our respect and appreciating not only the loss to the family but the loss to the larger community as well. It’s tough to lose a family member or community member at any time, but it’s just even harder at this time of the year.”
If I Should Fall was created in response to the death of Trooper Marc Diab, a 22-year-old Canadian soldier killed by an improvised explosive device in March of 2009. The documentary tells the story of the fallen soldier’s life through those left behind to mourn his passing: his family, military comrades, and his girlfriend. The intent of the film is to look beyond the Afghanistan mission as told in the media and look at the human element of the honour and sacrifices of Canadian soldiers.
Master Corporal Byron Greff was killed, along with 16 others, Oct. 29 in Kabul. He was the first Canadian soldier killed since Canada ended its combat role in Afghanistan.
The public screening of If I Should Fall will take place Nov. 27 at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.