Morinville Community Cultural Centre has lower than projected revenues and losses

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Councillors were presented with third quarter reports Tuesday night, documents that outline Morinville’s position in terms of the various departments that make up the municipality. Among those reports was one that showed the Morinville Community Cultural Centre (CCC), which opened in mid-May, has lower than projected revenues through the third quarter of 2011 but also lower than projected losses.

Administration had anticipated the CCC would have approximately $62,000 in revenues through the end of the third quarter. Actual revenues come in at $48,700 from the mid-May opening through to the end of September. It is anticipated year end revenues will fall short of the $129,500 projected prior to opening. Part of that revenue shortfall is due to Town Administration and Council using the facility while Civic Plaza is being renovated.

More than 50 per cent of the CCC’s revenue to date is in the form of a $25,000 donation from the Morinville Rotary Club who sponsored a room at the facility.

While revenues are lower than hoped for, so too are the losses the CCC has experienced. Year to date operating expenses are $260,000, which is $130,000 less than the $397,000 anticipated prior to opening. This variance is largely made up of $95,000 in salaries and benefits saved due to the timing of positions approved by council in the 2011 budget.

At that time, Council had been told the anticipated deficit for the CCC in 2011 would be $418,000. As of third quarter 2011, the centre was operating at a $211,000 deficit compared to a projected deficit of $334,000 through the third quarter of 2011.

Rentals and ticket sales below projections

From opening in May until the end of September, the CCC realized $22,541 in rental fees for 16 events. An additional five Town of Morinville events and one CCC-run concert was held during that time. The facility had projected $39,000 in revenue from opening until the end of the third quarter.

Ticket revenue was small during the period. A total of $1,216 in ticket revenue was received, a figure made up of $984 for Friday Night concert ticket revenues, $129 for family ticket revenues, and an additional $100 for additional ticket revenue.

Facility well used

Although attendance at CCC-run concerts has been low thus far, use of the facility has been well received by the community. The third quarter report identifies 22 events from May 19 through the end of September in the main banquet hall, including one CCC concert and five Town-run community events. Fourth quarter identifies another 30 events, including seven Town-run events and three CCC-run concerts taking place through to New Year’s Eve.

Use of the mezzanine and foyer was limited to one event from opening through the end of September; however, another four events are booked in this area through the end of the year.

Meeting rooms had 18 bookings for 11 groups and organizations between May and the end of September. Another 10 bookings are recorded between October and the end of the year. Above these figures, 14 additional community groups utilized the meeting rooms on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. That number increases to 15 groups in the fourth quarter.

2012 looks promising

The CCC’s calendar is already booking up for 2012. Submitted with the third quarter report is a list of 2012 bookings. The centre already has 46 bookings for the main banquet hall through to mid-November 2012. That figure includes 17 wedding receptions.

1 Comment

  1. All fine and dandy, but where might one find exactly what “events” produced the revenue?

    For example, how much did the provincial PC party pay to use our facility for its recent leadership vote?

    I am interested in tracking these things, if for no other reason than to justify the salaries of our recently-hired staff!

    I STILL feel that ONE person , working a true eight hours a day, should be capable of both managing the facility AND taking care of the few bookings that do come its way!

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