Our two publications provide news to Morinville and area year round at absolutely no cost to readers. Despite the headline to this editorial, we are not suggesting that we are going to start charging readers for either publication. But we do believe MorinvilleNews.com and Monday Morning News are worth at least a buck a week. So we are asking our readers, both online and offline, to take that buck a week or whatever monetary values you feel either publication is worth to you and commit that money to a local charitable initiative. Here are a few suggestions for you depending on what you think new about what is happening in the community is worth to you.
If you think our news is worth a buck a week, you could take your $50 and make a donation to the MCHS mission trip to New Orleans. You’d be helping some folks in need who are still recovering many years after the hurricane hit and investing in further developing our community’s youth.
If you think out news is worth $2 a week, you could take that $100 and donate it to the Morinville Public Library to help them buy all the things they need to open the new Morinville Public Library and Multi-Media Centre this spring, a facility that is going to continue to prove libraries, particularly this one, are about a lot more than books. For your $100 contribution you will have your name engraved in a bronze book to let people know this is the library a community built.
Now if you think our news is worth $3 a week (and we think it’s worth all that) you could accumulate $150 that would go a long way towards helping the Morinville Centennial community Gardens on the next leg of their sustainable gardening project. They’ll even take Canadian Tire money as a donation.

Think we’re worth $4 a week? That’s $200 a year that could be given to the Midstream Support Society to help them help those they assist on a week to week basis or really put a smile on four children’s faces come Christmas 2012.
Now if you think we’re giving you $5 worth of news each week – and we realize we’re pushing it at this point – you could really help the Morinville Food Bank Society. Right now they are set up to be able to accept monthly auto-deposits from your account to theirs, monies that will make sure the money is there to keep the rent paid and the utilities on without volunteers having to divert their valuable time scrambling to find donations for rent and utilities. $20 a month may seem insignificant, but a whole bunch of $20 a month keeps this important service going strong for when people need it.
We’re not really asking you to put a value on the news MorinvilleNews.com or Monday Morning News brings you each week, but we do hope we have shown you how a small sum each week can go a long way towards helping some community groups and programs that are there year round. They are organizations people in this community can count on in a way we can only hope to emulate.
Give it some consideration. Give them some money. And if you cannot give them some cash, maybe give them some time.
What a fine editorial!
Made ME think! So I will make some donations (above and beyond the ones I normally make – and I’ll keep THESE ones within our community)
Thanks for your suggestions.
Have a fine day!
Good on you! I am impressed with this editorial. Not only do you provide the community with a great News source but now you want your readers to HELP out in their community.Keep up the good work.
Great ideas Stephen!