Municipalities learn how much MSI funding they will receive

By Staff

Edmonton – A couple days after Alberta Urban Municipalities Association President Linda Sloan drew media attention for alleged comments on pork barrel funding of municipalities through the province’s Municipal Sustainability Initiative program, the province unveiled Thursday just how much Alberta communities are set to receive this year.

All Alberta municipalities are awarded MSI funding each year calculated with a formula based on the community’s population, education property tax requisitions, and kilometres of local roads. MSI funding is divided between capital funding and operating funding, the former for infrastructure, the latter for programing and other municipal needs.

Morinville is set to receive almost $1.6 million from the province in 2012, broken down into $1,477,615 in MSI capital funding and $120,801 in operational funding. Legal will receive $365,464 this year – $290,735 in capital dollars, $74,729 in operational funding. Sturgeon County will receive slightly more than $5 million in 2012 – $4,703,386 in capital funding, $361,064 in operational dollars.

In a press release issued Thursday, the province said Alberta municipalities will share $896 million in MSI funding in 2012, a $10 million increase over 2010. The MSI program has been in place in Alberta since 2007.