Special Olympics torch passes through Morinville

Police officers carry the Special Olympics torch along 100 Avenue Tuesday morning en route to MCHS for a special ceremony. - Trevor Meister Photo

The torch nears its destination at MCHS - Submitted Photo
By MorinvilleNews.com Staff

Morinville – The Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Torch Run made its way through Morinville Tuesday morning, departing from the Morinville RCMP Detachment and making its way to a special ceremony at Morinville Community High School.
The torch was carried along 100 Avenue by 25 police officers collectively representing all regions of Canada. Law enforcement has been a strong supporter of Special Olympics for decades. The officers were accompanied by Special Olympians Janelle McGinley and Jordan Deren.

Local students from George P. Vanier School and Morinville Public Elementary School lined 100 Avenue Tuesday morning to greet the officers and athletes en route to the high school. Students displayed signs supporting the athletes and encouraging them to believe in their abilitites.

MCHS was one of only nine schools and one of only three high schools in the province to be asked to participate in receiving the torch.

The Special Olympics Winter Games began Tuesday and will run until Mar. 3. More than 650 athletes from across Canada will demonstrate their skills competing in alpine skiing, cross country, skiing, curling, figure skating, floor hockey and snowshoeing. Events take place in St. Albert and Jasper.

The Special Olympics Torch travelled from Morinville to Edmonton Garrison later Tuesday.

Students from Vanier and Morinville Elementary Public School lined the sidewalks along 100 Avenue to see the members of the Torch Run go by. - Lucie Roy Photo
Special Olympic athletes Janelle McGinley and Jordan Deren carried the torch for the run.The torch was lit outside the Morinville RCMP Detachment prior to the run taking place. - Lucie Roy Photo