By Lucie Roy
Morinville – Cats from Morinville and Sturgeon County were among the Supreme Grand Championships shown at the Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club’s two-day Championship and Household Pet Cat Show held at the Edmonton Hotel and Convention Centre on the weekend.
Bobbi Watson of Sturgeon County took her Supreme Grand Champion Alter (SGCA) Lorenzo of Pipkin, a Cornish Rex, out of retirement for the last few shows. Watson said the cat has a good time when taken to the shows. “Lorenzo is six years old and has been at shows since he was four months,” Watson said, adding the hairless cat had won lots of awards. “He is a well- travelled cat and has been to Phoenix, Vancouver, Seattle, Calgary, Victoria, Portland and up and down the West Coast a few times. He has more Air Miles than most people.”
Angela Ewing from Morinville took her Supreme Grand Champion Alter oriental shorthair, Balimoor Mendo Tate, to the show. She said the six-year-old feline has been in competition since the age of four months and took five best alter at the Mar. 24 event. Her second cat, a Balinese named Dante, is a triple Grand Champion for title in the Champion Cat Class and comes from a long family line of winners.

Approximately 100 cats from The International Cat Association (TICA) Northwest Region were represented at the weekend event. The region covers Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Yukon
Kathy Byram, president of the Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club, said the organization usually puts on two shows a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. During this time cats in six different categories: kittens, cats, alters, household pet kittens, household pets and preliminary new breeds compete for titles and regional points. The top 20 cats in the region in each category at the end of the show year, receive a rosette and plaque depicting its’ placement. The show year runs from May to April.