The weekend in pictures

Compiled by Staff

From horn blowing to snow blowing, Morinville had a varied weekend Mar. 30 to Apr. 1. Here’s what our cameras caught this weekend.

Oh, sunny day

Warm weather last Thursday and Friday filled the trails with Morinville residents out looking to catch a few rays and to get a little exercise.

David (10), Victoria (6), and Enoch (9) Dalton enjoy a bike ride along Morinville’s trail system during the spring break. Warmer weather late last week put plenty of residents on the trails. See photos pages 16-17. - Stephen Dafoe Photo
A woman jogs past the Morinville Public Works building. - Stephen Dafoe Photo
Andrew Raczynski limbers up on a walk along the trails. - Stephen Dafoe Photo
Adam Salahni (5) gives 11-monthold Nathan Zidar a ride around the Fish and Game Association pond.

Political Talk

Kathy Sandmaier (left) and Linda killian (right) chat with PC candidate Maureen Kubinec during an open house at her campaign headquarters Saturday afternoon. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

All that Jazz
The Morinville Jazz Band opens for Rend at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Saturday night. – Stephen Dafoe Photo