Town Talk – Property Taxes

From the Desk of Corporate Services

You will be receiving your property assessment and tax notice for 2012. If you have any questions regarding the assessment of your property please do not hesitate to call us at 780-939-4361.

Tax payments are due by June 30, 2012 and may be made in person, by mail to the Town Office, through telephone and internet banking or through our pre authorized payment plan. Please note the Town also has a mail drop off box at the west end of Town Office although this service will not be available until June 15th. Also please note that if using mail, payment must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2012 in order to avoid a penalty.

The pre authorized payment plan offered by the Town allows you to spread your tax payment over 12 months. For example, if your taxes for 2012 are $2,400, you would be required to provide a payment of $1,200 prior to June 30, 2012 and then we would collect 6 payments of $200 each from your bank account on the 16th of each month commencing in July 2012. Payments would continue at this rate in 2013 until your assessment for 2013 is issued, at which time the payments would be adjusted to the new tax assessment. No penalties are assessed to ratepayers utilizing the pre authorized payment plan providing all payments are made on time. Please contact us for details!

Andy Isbister

1 Comment

  1. Dear Mayor:

    When will we see a year in which taxes do not go up? How many consecutive years can my taxes go up before I should consider moving? What do we have to show for these increases? A walking trail? A splash park that may be used for 2 months every year (if we’re lucky). Or perhaps the obvious. The fact that our council is larger than when you took office? (Why?) The fact that you just hired a consultant to improve your councils interpersonal skills? Why do taxpayers need to pay for this? You are all politicians/public servants. This quality is part of the job description for which you ran for office. If some, or all of you require training to do your job, pay for it yourselves. Otherwise, you shouldn’t have ran.

    Are we paying more because some rocket scientist feels the need to erect twice as many street lamps this town requires along 100 St and 100 Ave? One light up, one light down, every 80 ft. What a waste!

    Please don’t tell me that our taxes are going up because of the split in our precious Catholic School Board! Those kids still don’t have a proper school!

    Please tell me, after about 10 years of tax increases at 5% or more, what this town has to show for this.

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