A bird’s life
A pair of seagulls hold court atop a light standard in Morinville’s east end. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
D.A.R.E. graduates
RCMP Constables Yelena Avoine and Holly Mueller with D.A.R.E. runner up Joshlyn Bull, medal winner Landon Arcand and runner up Travis Arcand. The presentation of the Certificates, t-shirts and items from Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch took place at the Kipohtakaw Education Centre at Alexander First Nation May 15. – Lucie Roy Photo
Aspen gardening
Lorraine Meunier was plants some seeds in one of the raised planters at Aspen House May 15. – Lucie Roy Photo

Tech support
MCHS teacher Greg Boutestein offers a little technical support to a Skills Canada TV and Video Production competitor Tuesday morning. The national competition brings together the best and brightest high school and post secondary trade students to compete against one another. Boutestein began with the Skills program in 1999 as a teacher bringing students to compete. He now is involved on a provincial and national level. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
Holmes in the house
Another smooth-headed professional was on hand at the Skills Canada competition in Edmonton Tuesday. Mike Holmes of Holmes on Homes is interviewed by CTV Tuesday morning during the second day of Skills Canada competition. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
Ha! I was one of the students that Greg Boutestein took to Skills Canada that first year! And I made it all the way to Nationals in Toronto, to boot! Go Wolves!