Letter: Charity drops not the dump


I am a little concerned with the volume of stuff gathering around the CLOTHING donation bins in town. I have been told that all items that are not clothing get taken to the dump, regardless of what it is. This comes out of the coffers of the charity. I have seen a barbeque, coffee tables, large toys etc. sitting at these bins. We have two wonderful thrift shops here in Morinville for people who want to donate their items. Salvation Army and Goodwill have collection depots in St. Albert, and most charities will arrange pick up of useable items. If people are simply getting rid of trash, then it needs to make its way to the dump on their own dime. Perhaps you could include something about this in the news?

Stacey Buga


  1. It goes both ways too though. When I’m unloading my garbage at the dump, I see people throughing away things that they no longer have any use for that are still in good working order like childrens toys and bikes, that a lot of charities would gladly take. The equimpent operators at the dump usually make quick work of anything put in the dump and squish it.

    I would like to see a building set up at the dump for people to take things that they no longer want, but are still in good working order. We could allow charities to come in and take what they want, and anything untaken can then go into the dump.

    I think for the most part Albertans are getting pretty good at Recycyling, but we have a long ways to go on the other two R’s (Reduce & Reuse).

  2. I think people should keep in mind Morinville just had their town wide garage sale. With that being said people were just cleaning up their left over unsold items. I personally am a big fan of if it works find a home for it.

  3. I totally agree with Stacey. it is very sad to see “junk” & non clothing at the drop off boxes. And sometimes I have seen boxes of ‘stuff’ piled outside the boxes – what if it rained?

    At the same time I am not certain I agree with Joel about setting up drop boxes at the dump. In my opinion the context is wrong.

    The thrift shop had a sign asking folks not to leave their donations outside when the shop is closed but why they continue to do it, I have never understood – again what happens if it rains or the items are not suitable for the shop? The onus then, is on the store to get rid of it.

    No matter how convenient, there are those few folks who misguidedly use the charity thrift shops/boxes to get rid of their unusable (not just unwanted) stuff…and that to me is very sad & shows a lack of respect.

  4. Some excellent points by previous posters. Folks should also be aware that some sites like kijiji allow ads to be posted for free and you can advertise items to be given away. If people have something that is useable, but they don’t want it, it’s a great way to find someone to come pick it up. Regardless, though, the donation bins are for specific items and leaving things other than those that are sought simply harms a charitable organization.

  5. It’s too bad that our recycle centre closed a few years ago. I lived in Airdrie for three years and one great thing that they had was specific areas for different types of items. One indoor area collected all computer and electronics, an old barn-style shed was a regular treasure trove for used books, there was a gathering area for used bikes, as well as areas for other recyclable items. I like that the town picks up recycleable items, but also miss the recycling site.

    I’m sure there is a happy balance out there, but it is highly likely that it is not economically feasible for us to offer both at this time. Is it possible to have a recycle area as you enter the dump, maybe near where the paint currently resides, at the dump for some of this stuff?

  6. I think the thrift shops should have an after hours covered drop spot for those of us who would like to make donations but work full time.

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