Province to review municipal elections

By Morinville News Staff

Edmonton – The province is seeking input on possible changes to the Local Authorities Election Act, the legislation that governs municipal elections. Following the 2010 municipal elections in Alberta, a number of ideas were put forward, including moving to four-year terms of office rather than the present three-year terms mayors, reeves and their councils adhere to presently. Other suggestions included moving elections from the fall to the spring.

In a press release issued Monday, Doug Griffiths, Alberta’s Minister of Municipal Affairs said all Albertans deserve a say in how their local elections are governed. “There are many issues up for discussion and there are a lot of complexities involved,” Griffiths said in the release. “We want to hear from Albertans and from municipalities on these issues, so any changes can be made this fall in time for the 2013 local elections.”

Issues municipalities and municipal associations have suggested be included in the review include terms of office, timing of elections, nominations, eligibility to vote, residency requirements, campaign financing, and ballot procedures.

The government has created a survey at and are inviting Albertans to take the survey until July 31. Municipalities and municipal organizations have the option of using either the online survey or completing a written submission.