Letter: Cardiff Road intersection problem

Re: August 1 edition, John V. writes what I have been thinking.

Move the exit lane as far east as possible to open up the sight line to the south. Also preferably lower that road surface to again add more visual sight room.

Now also, lower the speed in the north bound lane to at least 80km. at least a kilometer back. Then set the speed in the right (east) turning lane to 60km.

I travel north through this intersection on the way to the Legal area and fear that intersection. Vehicles stopped, travelling west commonly creep forwards just as I approach the intersection at 100km. Too scary!

An ongoing land purchase negotiation issue pales to what should be a real concern….that of
human lives!

As local reader, YOU may be the next victim!

Bill Thompson, Legal area

1 Comment

  1. I totally agree with John; have lived in Cardiff Echoes 34 years and travelled that highway twice a day for 32 of those years. This is taking way too long for a resolution. John’s idea sounds like a good one!!

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