Letter: Family grateful to Cardiff Road responders

Thank you to all those who responded to the fatal accident at Cardiff Road and Highway 2 on July 20th, 2012. The family of Karen Raymond wishes to express our sincere thanks for your care and compassion to our family members at the scene of the accident.  We appreciate the concern of the community and wish to add our support in addressing the hazards of this dangerous intersection as quickly as possible so that no other family has to experience the loss of a loved one.

There have been suggestions made for temporary measures to reduce the hazard until an overpass can be completed.  We hope that these suggestions will be seriously considered by the Alberta Government.

Fay Gaberel


  1. Again, I am so sorry that we could not do more. I know that the fire fighters and the EMS that arrived on scene did everything they could do to save Karen’s life. I wish that I could have done more before they arrived and made a bigger difference.

  2. Rob,
    I thank you so much for all the effort that you put in to help my mom, son Luuca and I. I hope you know how much I am indebted to you and everyone else who helped. With out the help from all of you I fear that more than one life would have been lost that day. I thank God for all of you and pray that HE blesses all of you for all you have done. Thank you again. Just so you know I am healing well and my son suffered only a fractured arm. All in all I suppose things could have been a lot worse without all of your help.

    Yours truly and thankfully:
    Karrie-Anne Mayo

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