Sturgeon Hockey Club Player of the Week
Caleb Nolin (No. 31) is in sixth year of hockey and is a strong teammate for the Atom A hockey team. Caleb’s focus and extra efforts to be a solid goalie make him a large force between the pipes.
Showin’ their skills
The Morinville Festival Society held a street hockey skills competition Saturday, sponsored by Champion Petfoods and Servus Credit Union. The event was part of a winter carnival that took place at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. – Stephen Dafoe Photos
Six-year-old Rylin Piche tries to get one past Festival Society volunteer Jasmine King (13).
Three-year-old Liam Bruce works his way to the net.
Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock MLA Maureen Kubinec (left) and Servus Credit Union Branch Manager Kym Moore work between the pipes against an onslaught of slap shots.
Sleep Over
The 1st Morinville Scouts participated in their 3rd annual Oil Kings Sleepover Saturday. The scouters attend the regular game, followed it with an autograph session, then set up camp and watched a movie on the jumbotron before turning in for the night.
The annual event is open to all scouting groups. Morinville sent 62 participants from the beaver, cub and scout groups. Approximately 1,500 attend the event from all scouting groups in the Buffalo Plains region. – Submitted Photos
Way to go Caleb! So proud of you!