Weekend in photos

The birds…

A tree swallow sits on a wire near a birdhouse at the Morinville Fish and Game Association pond. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

…and the bees

A honeybee enjoys some weekend nectar from a blossoming cherry tree in a Morinville garden. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

It was all over town

Morinville turned into an endless garage sale over the weekend as the annual Town-Wide Garage Sale opened Saturday for another year. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Tara Humen ponders a puzzling purchase Saturday in the United Church Basement. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Added this year was the Use It Or Loose It event, an initiative that gave garage sale participants a chance to get rid of their unsold items (setting them LOOSE) at one location where others could take what they want. The Town hauled the rest of the items to the landfill. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

David LeBel-web
David LeBel


Local metal band Edgore held their EP release party Saturday night at the Morinville Plaza. Approximately 100 friends and fans came out to help the band celebrate the release. Opening for Edgore was At Her Feet. The band’s EP will be available for sale at Higher Grounds on 100 Avenue in downtown Morinville. – Stephen Dafoe Photos

Gordon LeBel-web
Gordon LeBel

esther LeBel-web
Esther LeBel

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Walking the dog for a cause
The Stolson family walk their dog Teeny on the Morinville trails Sunday during the Purina Walk for Dog Guides hosted by the Morinville Lions Club. One hundred percent of the funds raised from the event go towards providing dog guides to Canadians with disabilities at no cost. Approximately $3,000 was raised at the Morinville event. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

1 Comment

  1. Loved the ‘Use it or Loose it’ event.
    So happy our donated item could be reused by another family!
    Hope to see this become an annual event.

    Kudos to the organizers, Well Done!

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