Community chameleon
Library staff member Kaitlin Erdmann shows off Rambo, the Morinville Community Library’s new addition. The chameleon has been brought in to be part mascot and part educational conversation starter. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
Library staff member Ashley Janes gives the colour-changing lizard a perch. – Submitted Photo
A thrifty proposition
Steve Hunter of Hunters Print & Copy installs a new sign on the 101 Street Thrift Store Wednesday morning. The words Community Drop In have been removed. Volunteer Elsie Stang said the shop no longer offers the coffee and desserts once served to their customers when they were in their former larger location. The shop will now be known as the Midstream Thrift Store, which Strang said would be less confusing. – Lucie Roy Photo
Downtown cover up exposed
Shaun Peirson of Image Works puts the finishing touches to the screen print on one side of a transformer box located at the Sturgeon County office Wednesday morning. Four cover-ups took place along 100 Street July 17. Each of the transformer boxes were covered with nature themes. – Lucie Roy Photo

Iron Chefs
Morinville Summer Camp students Emily Robertson and Janelle Savoie took time out Thursday in between workshops to admire their aprons and cups they helped create as part of the themed Iron Chef week. – Lucie Roy Photo
A crafty situation
Six-year-old Sarah Caron works on a marionette at the Morinville Community Library’s Champions World Tour Summer Reading Program. – Stephen Dafoe Photo