Letter: Morinville’s finest

Dear editor:

Clearly, the people of Morinville are the best. We have never been there, but we should definitely come visit very soon after what happened to us last night [Aug. 25]. Driving home from Vancouver Island on Highway 16 around 10 p.m. about 50 km outside of Edmonton, we got a flat, and in the dark with a nasty thunderstorm bearing down, we got our kids out of the car because we were nervous about the truck traffic that rattled the car every 30 seconds. A car stopped to help, and a couple from Morinville (Jen and Brendan were their names) hopped out and in 10 minutes, Brendan had that tire changed and ready to go. Thank you, you two, for stopping. We were tired but your selflessness became a teaching moment for the kids, and was a great way to end a vacation.

Jillian Buriak, Edmonton


  1. This is an AWESOME example of why I love Morinville so much and why I choose to call it home! A huge pat on the back to Jenn and Brendan for showing others just how community oriented we are!

  2. Glad that the flat was changed and everyone kept safe. There are some great folks in this Town and it’s very good to hear you made it home safely. Kudos to Jen & Brendan!

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